Smart Girls Marry.
Proverbs 2:9-11 |
Smart girls marry and wise women stay married.
Wiser women stay alive and happy irrespective of their marital status. They do
not put their marital status before their well-being.
I hate to break it to you ladies; to marry a
good woman or have a good wife is not every man’s greatest life aspiration or
dream. It may be a goal or dream of his, but not the biggest.
Also, that he’s married a good woman or has a
good wife will not stop a man from cheating if he wants. It will not stop a man
from desiring another woman or get ‘carried’ away.
So, being the best wife should not be your
life’s greatest dream or ultimate goal. Being the best mother is a better
option, though I believe you may not be able to be the best mother but you can
do your best. Same goes for being a wife.
What we should strive to be is a wise woman and
smart wife.
A wise woman/smart wife survives and thrives no
matter what curve balls life throws at her.
‘Wise’ and ‘smart’ are neither evil nor slutty. Being ‘good’ is just good but might not be a
life saver.
For your man, you do what’s necessary. You can
do your best and still be hurt and then you contemplate murder when you are
To be in jail for murder is not your place.
Beside your husband and with your children is a better place.
That’s why I propose the pursuit of wisdom to
I want to be like some wise women the bible
speaks of. I want to be like Abigail (1Samuel 25:1-end), Esther (The book of
Esther), Ruth(The book of Ruth), and Rebecca(Genesis 24: 1-end).
You think when Boaz was stealing glances at Ruth;
she was cowering like a victim and forsaken girl? Ruth was a smart girl who
followed the instructions of an older and experienced wise woman wey don tey in
the game.
You think Esther was timid and shaky when she
was paraded before the king? Yes, God’s favor was upon her and God’s favor was
upon this ‘beautiful’ creature of his. Hips intact, wiggling and looking
straight into the eyes of King Xerses eyes like to say, ‘I am the one’ and my
hips don’t lie. The bible says this girl Esther was very smart cause she listened
and followed the instructions of her personal instructor as he prepared her for
the beauty contest where the King would chose his next Queen.
Abigail spoke rich wise words that took David
aback as she tried to cover for up for her husband’s stupidity, hoping to save
his life. You think she went there looking like a beaten ugly house wife? David
never forgot her. He just couldn’t. After one meeting, he was stuck and into
this ‘wise’ lady. He wished she could be his wife. As soon as the opportunity
came, he went back for her. (This was when she lost her husband. He was going
to die anyway, he did lots of stupid things that cost him his life) he went
back for her.
Even Rebecca was a kind, hospitable wise girl.
What did Adam see when he saw Eve for the first
time and exclaimed?(Genesis 2:23) Why did he quickly forget what God said not
to do, listened to his woman and ate the forbidden fruit she gave him and that
the serpent had given her?(Genesis 3:6)
If the bible says Adam was misled by his woman
and God had to decree that he will be her master though she may desire to
control him, then he must have deposited something in the woman.(Genesis 3:16)
My point is:
We are beautiful.
We are powerful.
We have influence, and it comes from within.
Our beauty is not our major power. Our power is also resident on the inside of
Wisdom is said to be feminine, according to the
wisest man who lived on earth (Proverbs 4: 8).
Start being smart from now on.
Start reasoning, start thinking.
Seek wisdom and apply it.
They say knowledge applied is wisdom. Get
knowledge and understanding. Strive to also be a wise woman besides being a ‘good’
woman. Is there anyone good (by themselves) really?
'Smart women' marry faster than 'good girls'.
A wise woman is desirable and will stay longer
beside her husband.
Remember, smart is not evil.
Wisdom is profitable.
My final thoughts…
Good girls don’t necessarily get married on time
or end up in happy marriages. Your ‘goodness’ does not exactly guarantee that
you will be whisked away into marriage early or that you will be in a very
happy marriage that your husband will respect and love you only.
Pursue wisdom. It is time to be wise.
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