Breaking the Curse of the Strong Woman


Let Men be Men.

We are strong.

We are independent.

We make things happen. We have been through tough times, may be not so for some of us. But we like to look life in the face and tell it who the boss woman is.

One thing strangers don’t know about us is that underneath that tough skin is a very kind heart. We are as soft on the inside as we are smart in our dealings.
We take people as they are and will do almost anything for those we care for, talk less a man we deeply care about.

Truth is, we spoil our men. Those of us, who have not learnt, still do.

We spoil our sweet hearts.

Ours is not the case of trying to prove how strong a woman we are or to show 
 the world that we can live without a man. Our case is such that we are used to doing things ourselves.  We are used to helping those who have a special place in our hearts without letting them help us. Some of us have even gone as far as not letting them help themselves.  If we don’t let them help themselves, how do we even let them help us?

You are too comfortable with not letting him help.

In as much as a man wants a woman with less stress or troubles,  still, a man wants a to be a woman’s man:  To take care of you, to also do the loving , and to do the work too. A real man would want that.  

Be his woman, not his man.

Let him ease your pain. If you’ve got a keeper, allow him.

Worry about him less. Care for him, but not worry so much.

Let him do some work. I mean let him also put work in this relationship.

This also boils down to the simplest of things.

Your relationship is not your career.

Your relationship involves two souls.

I am not saying let your guard down or not to be wise, I am saying be in a relationship and allow your other to do his part.

Lucky you if you have a significant other who wants to contribute.

If your case is that your man has gone dormant, haven been used to you doing all the work, it is time for you to stop, re –arrange and subtly make demands. You deserve to be served too.

You deserve to be loved, looked after, cooked for, taken on a date, picked up, cared for, cuddled, kissed passionately, and tightly embraced. You deserve surprise gifts, visits and bank alerts (No matter how small. Oh yes I said it. Women like us don’t hesitate to help our men out in their down times)

You also deserve to be made a huge sacrifice for.

You’ve given too much not to receive. So, allow him.

And if you don’t have one who would not hesitate to treat you this way.

Be comfortable with being with someone like this and be on the lookout.
